Bahrain (side 15/21)

Viser nu Bahrain - Post frimærker (1933 - 2024) - 1047 frimærker.

[The 21st Gulf Co-operation Council Supreme Council Session, Bahrain, type PF] [The 21st Gulf Co-operation Council Supreme Council Session, Bahrain, type PG]
Nr. Type D Postfrisk Ubrugt Brugt Brev/FDC
705 PF 100F 0,78 - 0,78 - USD  Info
706 PG 200F 1,56 - 1,56 - USD  Info
705‑706 2,34 - 2,34 - USD 
[The 10th Anniversary of Beit Al Qur'an, Islamic institution, type PH] [The 10th Anniversary of Beit Al Qur'an, Islamic institution, type PI] [The 10th Anniversary of Beit Al Qur'an, Islamic institution, type PJ]
Nr. Type D Postfrisk Ubrugt Brugt Brev/FDC
707 PH 100F 0,78 - 0,78 - USD  Info
708 PI 200F 1,04 - 1,04 - USD  Info
709 PJ 250F 1,56 - 1,56 - USD  Info
707‑709 3,38 - 3,38 - USD 
[The 10th Anniversary of Beit Al Qur'an, Islamic institution, type ]
Nr. Type D Postfrisk Ubrugt Brugt Brev/FDC
710 PK 500F 3,13 - 3,13 - USD  Info
710 3,13 - 3,13 - USD 
[The 25th Anniversary of Ministry of Housing and Agriculture, type PL] [The 25th Anniversary of Ministry of Housing and Agriculture, type PM] [The 25th Anniversary of Ministry of Housing and Agriculture, type PN] [The 25th Anniversary of Ministry of Housing and Agriculture, type PO]
Nr. Type D Postfrisk Ubrugt Brugt Brev/FDC
711 PL 100F 0,52 - 0,52 - USD  Info
712 PM 150F 0,78 - 0,78 - USD  Info
713 PN 200F 1,04 - 1,04 - USD  Info
714 PO 250F 1,56 - 1,56 - USD  Info
711‑714 3,90 - 3,90 - USD 
2001 International Year of Volunteers

29. september VM: Ingen Perforeringer: 14¼

[International Year of Volunteers, type PP] [International Year of Volunteers, type PQ] [International Year of Volunteers, type PR] [International Year of Volunteers, type PS]
Nr. Type D Postfrisk Ubrugt Brugt Brev/FDC
715 PP 100F 0,52 - 0,52 - USD  Info
716 PQ 150F 0,78 - 0,78 - USD  Info
717 PR 200F 1,04 - 1,04 - USD  Info
718 PS 250F 1,56 - 1,56 - USD  Info
715‑718 3,90 - 3,90 - USD 
2002 Arab Women's Day

1. februar VM: Ingen Perforeringer: 14¼

[Arab Women's Day, type PT] [Arab Women's Day, type PU] [Arab Women's Day, type PV]
Nr. Type D Postfrisk Ubrugt Brugt Brev/FDC
719 PT 100F 0,78 - 0,78 - USD  Info
720 PU 200F 1,56 - 1,56 - USD  Info
721 PV 250F 1,56 - 1,56 - USD  Info
719‑721 3,90 - 3,90 - USD 
2002 Football World Cup - South Korea and Japan

31. maj VM: Ingen Perforeringer: 14¼

[Football World Cup - South Korea and Japan, type ]
Nr. Type D Postfrisk Ubrugt Brugt Brev/FDC
722 PW 100F 0,52 - 0,52 - USD  Info
723 PX 200F 1,04 - 1,04 - USD  Info
724 PY 250F 1,56 - 1,56 - USD  Info
722‑724 3,13 - 3,13 - USD 
722‑724 3,12 - 3,12 - USD 
2002 Shaikh Hamad Bin Isa Al-Khalifa

15. juli VM: Ingen Gravering: Perforeringer: 13¾

[Shaikh Hamad Bin Isa Al-Khalifa, type ]
Nr. Type D Postfrisk Ubrugt Brugt Brev/FDC
725 PZ 25F 0,26 - 0,26 - USD  Info
726 PZ1 40F 0,26 - 0,26 - USD  Info
727 PZ2 50F 0,26 - 0,26 - USD  Info
728 PZ3 60F 0,26 - 0,26 - USD  Info
729 PZ4 80F 0,52 - 0,52 - USD  Info
730 PZ5 100F 0,52 - 0,52 - USD  Info
731 PZ6 125F 0,78 - 0,78 - USD  Info
732 PZ7 150F 0,78 - 0,78 - USD  Info
733 PZ8 200F 1,04 - 1,04 - USD  Info
734 PZ9 250F 1,56 - 1,56 - USD  Info
735 PZ10 300F 1,56 - 1,56 - USD  Info
736 PZ11 400F 2,60 - 2,60 - USD  Info
737 PZ12 500F 3,13 - 3,13 - USD  Info
738 PZ13 1D 6,25 - 6,25 - USD  Info
739 PZ14 2D 12,50 - 12,50 - USD  Info
740 PZ15 3D 20,84 - 20,84 - USD  Info
725‑740 62,52 - 62,52 - USD 
725‑740 53,12 - 53,12 - USD 
2002 World Teacher's Day

5. oktober VM: Ingen Perforeringer: 13½ x 13

[World Teacher's Day, type QA] [World Teacher's Day, type QA1]
Nr. Type D Postfrisk Ubrugt Brugt Brev/FDC
741 QA 100F 0,52 - 0,52 - USD  Info
742 QA1 200F 1,04 - 1,04 - USD  Info
741‑742 1,56 - 1,56 - USD 
2002 Parliamentary Election, 2002

24. oktober VM: Ingen Perforeringer: 13 x 13½

[Parliamentary Election, 2002, type QB] [Parliamentary Election, 2002, type QC]
Nr. Type D Postfrisk Ubrugt Brugt Brev/FDC
743 QB 100F 0,52 - 0,52 - USD  Info
744 QC 200F 1,04 - 1,04 - USD  Info
743‑744 1,56 - 1,56 - USD 
2002 National Day

16. december VM: Ingen Perforeringer: 13 x 13½

[National Day, type QD] [National Day, type QE] [National Day, type QE1]
Nr. Type D Postfrisk Ubrugt Brugt Brev/FDC
745 QD 100F 0,52 - 0,52 - USD  Info
746 QE 200F 1,04 - 1,04 - USD  Info
747 QE1 250F 1,56 - 1,56 - USD  Info
745‑747 3,12 - 3,12 - USD 
2003 Arab Summit Conference, Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt

1. marts VM: Ingen Perforeringer: 13

[Arab Summit Conference, Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, type ]
Nr. Type D Postfrisk Ubrugt Brugt Brev/FDC
748 QF 100F 0,52 - 0,52 - USD  Info
749 QG 100F 0,52 - 0,52 - USD  Info
750 QH 100F 0,52 - 0,52 - USD  Info
751 QI 100F 0,52 - 0,52 - USD  Info
752 QJ 100F 0,52 - 0,52 - USD  Info
753 QK 100F 0,52 - 0,52 - USD  Info
754 QL 100F 0,52 - 0,52 - USD  Info
755 QM 100F 0,52 - 0,52 - USD  Info
756 QN 200F 0,78 - 0,78 - USD  Info
757 QO 200F 0,78 - 0,78 - USD  Info
758 QP 200F 0,78 - 0,78 - USD  Info
759 QQ 200F 0,78 - 0,78 - USD  Info
760 QR 200F 0,78 - 0,78 - USD  Info
761 QS 200F 0,78 - 0,78 - USD  Info
762 QT 200F 0,78 - 0,78 - USD  Info
763 QU 250F 1,04 - 1,04 - USD  Info
764 QV 250F 1,04 - 1,04 - USD  Info
765 QW 250F 1,04 - 1,04 - USD  Info
766 QX 250F 1,04 - 1,04 - USD  Info
767 QY 250F 1,04 - 1,04 - USD  Info
768 QZ 250F 1,04 - 1,04 - USD  Info
769 RA 250F 1,04 - 1,04 - USD  Info
748‑769 20,84 - 20,84 - USD 
748‑769 16,90 - 16,90 - USD 


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